With the following data protection information, we would like to explain to you in more detail how your data is handled when using our website.

1. Visit the website

Each time you visit our website, our systems automatically collect data and information from the computer system of the calling computer (data that your browser transmits to our server), so-called log data. This also occurs if you do not register or otherwise transmit information to us, for example through active input. The following data is collected in any case when you visit our website and stored in the log files:

  • IP address of the PC, tablet, smartphone etc. (end device) used;     
  • Date and time of the request or access;     
  • Time zone difference from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT);
  • Content of the request (specific page, content accessed);
  • Access status/HTTP status code;
  • the amount of data transferred in each case;
  • Website (URL) from which the request comes (from which the user's system arrives at our website (origin));
  • Website that is called up by the user's system via our website;
  • Details of the internet service provider;
  • Information about the browser type and version used;
  • Operating system of the end device and its interface;
  • Language and version of the browser software.
The storage of the aforementioned data is generally only temporary for the durationf the session and is necessary to enable the proper operation and presentation of the website. This processing of your data also serves to evaluate and continue to ensure system security and system stability, as well as other administrative purposes. If your data is stored in our log files, this is also only done to ensure the functionality of our website. In addition, we use the data to optimise and ensure the security of our information technology systems. The legal basis for the processing and storage of your personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, provided the GDPR applies. Your data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer required to achieve the purpose and we are not legally obliged to retain it. In the case of the collection of data for the provision of the website, this is the case when the respective session has ended. In the case of storage of your data in log files, this occurs after five days at the latest. Storage beyond this period is only provided for in exceptional cases, for example if this is necessary for technical reasons or to improve our systems. In this case, the IP addresses of the users are deleted or alienated so that an assignment is no longer possible.
We only store pseudonymised IP addresses. This is done at the web server level by storing an IP address 123.123.123.XXX in the log file by default instead of your actual IP address, e.g. 123.123.123, where XXX is a random value between 1 and 254. It is no longer possible to establish a personal reference. The log file data is also always stored separately from other personal data.

2. Contact forms

Our website contains contact forms which you can use to get in touch with us. When using the contact form, the data entered in the input mask is collected and processed for the purpose of contacting you. In addition, your IP address and the date and time of the enquiry are stored. The legal basis for processing your data when using the contact form is your consent. The processing of the personal data from the input mask only serves to process your enquiry and possible further questions related to it.

3. Registration forms for events

Our website contains registration forms, which you can use to register for events. When registering for an event, the data entered in the input screens is collected and processed for the purpose of concluding the event contract. The legal basis for the processing of your data is this contract.

4. Electronic newsletters

When you subscribe to one of our electronic newsletters, we collect and process the personal data you enter in the input mask. We process your name and e-mail address in order to contact you for the purpose of sending you our electronic newsletter as well as for information on other products, services or other activities. The collection of your e-mail address is required for the delivery of the newsletter. The collection of your name is used to personalise the newsletter. We also process online data and other information about you in this context so that we can personalise the content of our newsletters, including, for example, information about whether and when you open a newsletter and which links you click on and when. This is a procedure that helps us to assess the effect of newsletters and to optimise our newsletters. The legal basis is your consent. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future and thus unsubscribe from receiving information about current and future products, services or other information about us. The lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation remains unaffected by this. You can declare the revocation by clicking on the link provided in every newsletter e-mail or by sending a message to our contact details provided. If you object to the use of your data, we will no longer send you the newsletter.

5. General information on the use of cookies

When you visit and use our website, cookies are stored on your computer. Cookies are text files that are stored in the internet browser or by the internet browser on the user's computer system. When a user calls up a website, a cookie may be stored on the user's operating system.

Some cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of our website. Other cookies are used for statistical purposes or to analyse access to our website or for marketing purposes or to offer you the use of external media. Both temporary/session cookies and longer stored/permanent cookies are used. Temporary cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser. Permanent cookies remain for a longer period of time but can be deleted manually at any time. Some of the cookies are set by third parties. The legal basis for data processing when using cookies that are strictly necessary is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, provided the GDPR applies, as well as your consent when using all other cookies. If we do not process your data on the basis of your explicit consent, your personal data will only be processed to the extent necessary to protect our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party and to the extent that this does not override your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms requiring the protection of personal data.

Detailed information about the use of the respective cookies, in particular about their purpose, their legal basis, the respective function duration and the extent to which they are set by third parties or third parties have access to the data collected via the cookies, can be found in our cookie banner on our website in addition to the information provided in our privacy statement. You can access the cookie banner at any time by clicking on the icon at the bottom left of the screen or on the "Cookie settings" button below. You can consent to the use of the respective categories of cookies individually. You can change or revoke your consent at any time in the cookie banner.

Cookies Settings:

If you do not agree to the use of cookies, you can configure your browser so that it generally does not accept cookies from us or so that you are informed when a cookie is set. You can also delete existing cookies. You will find information on this in the help menu of your browser. Our online offer remains usable, but certain functions may not be available or only available to a limited extent. You can also install a browser plugin that tells you if and when third parties access your browser.

6. Request by e-mail or telephone

If you contact us by e-mail or telephone, your enquiry including all personal data arising from it will be stored and processed by us for the purpose of processing your request. The processing of this data is carried out for the fulfilment of a contract, insofar as your enquiry is related to a contract or is necessary for the implementation of pre-contractual measures. In all other cases, the processing is based on our legitimate interest in the effective processing of the enquiries addressed to us or on your consent, if this has been requested. You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future. 

7. Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. We have no influence on whether the operators of these websites comply with data protection regulations. We also have no influence on the legality of the contents of these websites. We therefore disclaim any responsibility for the content of other websites. We are not responsible for their content or handling of personal data. Third-party websites are not subject to this privacy statement. 

8. Web analysis/other third-party technologies

We use service providers to analyse the behaviour of visitors to our website. They may receive log data and other data from us and may themselves use cookies and similar technologies to collect data about our website.

Use of Adobe Analytics:

We use the "Adobe Analytics" analysis service operated by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd, 4-6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, in Ireland (Adobe). In this process, data about the behaviour on our website (duration and frequency of page views, content accessed, geographical origin of access, etc.) is recorded by cookies that are stored on your computer, enabling an analysis of the use of the website. On this basis, Adobe creates analyses of the use of our website for us and reports on website activity.

Information on data protection by Adobe can be found at https://www.adobe.com/ch_de/privacy/policy.html.

You can deactivate Adobe Analytics by downloading and installing a browser extension at the following link: https://www.adobe.com/ch_de/privacy/opt-out.html.

 Integration of social media platforms:

Functions (plug-ins) of third-party providers or social media platforms such as LinkedIn are integrated on the website. These plug-ins enable the user to share content on the aforementioned social networks. When the website is called up, the buttons are deactivated by default. This means that no personal data is transmitted to the respective third-party providers without the user's intervention. After the user has activated the buttons and consented to the corresponding data processing, the plug-ins automatically transmit data, including personal data, to the corresponding third-party provider. If the user is logged into the network of the respective third-party provider at the same time as visiting the website, the provider can assign the visit to the user's network account. We have no influence on this. The purpose and scope of this data collection and the further processing of personal data can be found in the privacy statements of the respective social networks.

LinkedIn: Provider is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin, Ireland. LinkedIn's privacy policy is available at https://de.linkedin.com/legal/privacy-policy.

Google reCAPTCHA:

To protect our contact forms, we use the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon
House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, Ireland (“Google”). This service verifies whether the data entry is made by a human or by an automated program. The service includes the sending of your IP address and possibly other data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service to Google. The basis for the processing is your consent. The deviating data protection regulations of the Google company apply to this data. Further information on the data protection guidelines of Google reCaptcha can be found at www.google.com/policies/privacy/?hl=de. 

Friendly Captcha:
(bot/spam protection)

We use "Friendly Captcha" on our website, a service provided by Friendly Captcha GmbH, Am Anger 3-5, 82237 Wörthsee, Germany. Friendly Captcha is used to make it more difficult for automated programs and scripts (so-called "bots") to use our website. 

For this purpose, we have integrated a program code from Friendly Captcha into our website, for example for registration forms, so that the visitor's end device can establish a connection to the Friendly Captcha servers in order to receive a calculation task from Friendly Captcha. The visitor's end device solves the calculation, which requires certain system resources, and sends the calculation result to our web server. The server contacts the Friendly Captcha server via an interface and receives a response stating whether the puzzle was solved correctly by the end device. Depending on the result, we can apply security rules to requests via our website and, for example, process or reject them. The data is used exclusively for the protection against spam and bots described above. Friendly Captcha does not set or read any cookies on the visitor's end device. IP addresses are only stored in hashed, i.e. one-way encrypted form and do not allow us and Friendly Captcha to draw any conclusions about an individual person. If personal data is stored, this data is deleted within 30 days. The legal basis for the processing is our legitimate interest in protecting our website against abusive access by bots, i.e. spam protection and protection against attacks such as mass requests. Further information on data protection when using Friendly Captcha can be found at https://friendlycaptcha.com/de/legal/privacy-end-users/.  

Questions and comments

For questions,
suggestions or comments on the subject of data protection, please contact us by
e-mail at dataprotectionAM@swisslife-am.com.

Our supplementary privacy statement for our website and the information on data protection regarding our data processing pursuant to Articles (Art.) 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), Art. 19 of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and Art. 13, 14 and 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation of the United Kingdom (UK GDPR) may change from time to time. We will publish any changes on our website. We will make older versions available to you on request at the address given in the "Questions and comments" section.