Behind every successful project are motivated people and their ideas. This is also the case at Climatch. We are a motivated, and dynamic team of experts from various disciplines with many years of industry experience. Together, we pursue one goal: to create the best, most profitable and most sustainable energy solutions on the market.

We are...

  • PV/heating/e-mobility experts
  • Decarbonisation specialists
  • Project managers with industry experience
  • ESG specialists
  • Data scientists
  • Finance and controlling experts
  • Marketing and communication experts

Since Climatch AG was founded in Switzerland in 2021 and Climatch GmbH in Germany in 2022 as part of Swiss Life Asset Managers, we have been accelerating the decarbonisation of our properties and sites with our combined expertise.

Thanks to our cross-border experience with the Swiss Life real estate portfolio in Switzerland and Germany, we are familiar with the specific challenges of decarbonisation, and are happy to pass on this expertise.

For the sustainable transformation of real estate. Comprehensive, data-driven and efficient.

What drives us


Our goal

We drive the sustainable transformation of real estate and optimise it on the basis of data.

Ethmoid roof of glass, concrete and metal.

Our mission

We decarbonise properties and sites to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement.


Our claim

We create the best holistic and profitable energy solutions for property portfolios on the market.

Interested in working with us? We'll be happy to help!

Contact us.